#SPECTRE and the cost of every @007 James Bond movie made to date – an annotated infographic

Spectre, the 24th official Bond movie, is rumoured to have cost $350m to produce, making it one of the most expensive films ever made and totalling more than the budgets of the first nine Bond movies combined. It better be good, that’s all we can say. What we can definitely tell you is that the new issue of E&T magazine is our James Bond 007 SPECTRE special and we dare to suggest that it’s really rather good. Click on the graphic for an expanded view. Continue reading #SPECTRE and the cost of every @007 James Bond movie made to date – an annotated infographic

New book blog: Guru Madhavan on how to think like an engineer

When George Laurer invented the precursor to the barcode system, the Universal Product Code, in the early 1970s he demonstrated his prototype by recruiting a top softball pitcher to throw code-labelled beanbag ashtrays as fast as he could over a reader to prove that it could read labels with an accuracy high enough for it only to mistake one in two hundred thousand. This is just one of the examples that biomedical engineer Guru Madhavan uses to illustrate the sort of ingenuity that distinguishes engineers from the rest of the population in his new book, ‘Think Like an Engineer’. As … Continue reading New book blog: Guru Madhavan on how to think like an engineer