Greenpeace finds coral reef in Total’s Amazon drilling area – an annotated infographic

Scientists aboard a Greenpeace ship have discovered that a massive coral reef near the mouth of the Amazon extends further than thought, overlapping areas where French company Total plans to drill for oil. The research could further complicate plans by oil companies to explore an area that some geologists say could hold up to 14 billion barrels of petroleum – more than the entire proven reserves in the Gulf of Mexico. In 2013, Total led a group including Britain’s BP Plc and Brazilian state-run oil company Petrobras in buying five exploration blocks in the Foz do Amazonas basin, but the … Continue reading Greenpeace finds coral reef in Total’s Amazon drilling area – an annotated infographic

Trump administration reins in US offshore drilling plans; steers clear of Florida coast – an annotated infographic

The Trump administration was proposing to open nearly all US offshore waters to oil and gas drilling, reversing Obama-era regulations imposed after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke claimed Obama administration bans on drilling in the continental shelf had cost the United States billions of dollars in lost revenue. The new proposal would make about 90 per cent of those waters available for leasing. The plan gives energy companies access to blocks off California for the first time in decades and opens up the Arctic and Eastern Seaboard. Only the … Continue reading Trump administration reins in US offshore drilling plans; steers clear of Florida coast – an annotated infographic

Huge #Gazprom deal pipes gas from Russia to China – an annotated infographic

China and Russia have signed a long awaited contract for Gazprom to supply natural gas to China. The contract, worth £237bn, will see Russia’s energy giant Gazprom delivering natural gas to China’s National Petroleum Corporation, enabling the east-Asian superpower to facilitate the shift away from coal towards greener energy resources in a bid to address intensifying environmental issues. The deal, vital for Russia seeking diversification of its customer base as the European Union has pledged to decrease its dependence on Russian resources in the wake of the crisis in Ukraine, includes construction of a new pipeline linking Siberian gas fields … Continue reading Huge #Gazprom deal pipes gas from Russia to China – an annotated infographic

#Ukraine gas supply gets expensive, as Russia raises prices across Europe – an annotated infographic

Given the ongoing unrest in the Ukraine, the announcement by Russia’s energy giant Gazprom that it will be increasing the price of gas delivered to Ukraine by 40 per cent will do little to pour oil on the troubled waters. This price increase effectively cancels the discount agreed in December 2013 as part of a package designed to lure the Ukraine away from the EU and reinforce its ties to Russia. Russia is Europe’s biggest supplier of natural gas, so it has a considerable degree of power and influence in the continent’s energy market. Times like these – and the … Continue reading #Ukraine gas supply gets expensive, as Russia raises prices across Europe – an annotated infographic

BP accepts record fine for Deepwater Horizon Gulf oil spill – an annotated graphic

BP has agreed to pay a $4bn fine after pleading guilty to 14 criminal charges over the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010, in which 11 people died. This fine is the largest criminal penalty in U.S. history. Cue massive price hike at the BP pumps. Criminal charges and death – is the pursuit of oil really worth it? E&T magazine covered the Deepwater Horizon disaster in depth at the time. For example, you might enjoy our comprehensive timeline of events, along with the numerous Related articles which are linked to from that … Continue reading BP accepts record fine for Deepwater Horizon Gulf oil spill – an annotated graphic

Magnetic soap to clean up #oil spills – an annotated graphic

In the current issue of E&T magazine, we report on how scientists working on engendering simple soap with new properties may have uncovered vast new potential for advanced cleaning. A University of Bristol team has dissolved iron in liquid surfactant to create a soap that can be controlled by magnets. The discovery could be used to create cleaning products that can be removed after application and used in the recovery of oil spills at sea. Click on the graphic for an expanded view. Continue reading Magnetic soap to clean up #oil spills – an annotated graphic

Fracking for shale gas – an annotated graphic

What with fracking being all over the news of late – including on E&T’s news pages, as we look at the controversy over the fracking process – it seemed a timely opportunity to share this illustrated graphic on how to frack. Essentially, it’s a two-stage hydraulic process in order to extract natural gas from prehistoric shalebeds thousands of metres below ground. Enjoy the instructions presented here – but don’t try this at home. Click on the graphic for an expanded view. Continue reading Fracking for shale gas – an annotated graphic